A few fun Donk facts from our boy, Charlie Brown
Did you know that there are three different types of donkeys based on their height ? Donkeys are measured at their shoulder level.
- Miniature donkey and is measured up to 36 inches
- Standard breed measuring 36-54
- Mammoth breed that measures more than 54 inches
Donkeys are not like Horses
Donkeys are not like horses; they differ physically, mentally and emotionally. Donkeys are more stoic in their behavior and tend to startle less than horses. Compared to horses, donkeys show limited fear response to novel situations and this can be mistaken for stubbornness rather than fear. Teaching a donkey requires a different mind set to teaching a horse. Donkey owners can attest that you can not rush a Donkey into doing something they don’t want to do!
Some say with a Horse you move their feet to gain their trust… and with Donkeys you gain their trust first to move their feet.
Why do Donkeys Bray?
The reason is communication. The “hee-haw” is the donkey version of a dog’s bark or a horse’s whinny. The noise comes out of their throat on both the inhale and exhale. According to research published by the Acoustical Society of America, “significant sound is produced during both air intake (the hee) and air outflow (the haw). Typically these vocalizations, primarily by males, consist of a series of brays, seemingly mechanically produced with little variation, terminating when the animal becomes short of breath — literally a burst of sound.” It may not always be the most musical of sounds, but it’s certainly memorable — and special to this species.
Thanks for listening! I love you all…and love that you love me. 😛
Charlie B
Dedicated to the Rescue of Abused and Abandoned Horses and Farm Animals
Learn more about Becky’s Hope Horse Rescue, where you can sponsor a horse, donkey, mule, pig, goat, sheep, cattle, chicken, cat or dog! Become a sponsor and help Becky’s Hope meet the needs of your sponsored animal for anything from hoof care to vet care, feed/hay, bedding, shelter, etc. When you sponsor an animal for yourself or a gift, you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, your sponsor animal’s bio and a photo. You will also receive monthly updates by email (or text) letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.
Becky’s Hope Horse Rescue (BHHR), a 501(C)(3) non profit charity dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of abused, neglected and abandoned horses and farm animals, was founded in 1997 in Marlin, Texas and is named after our first rescued horse. The rescue relocated to 120 beautiful acres in Frisco, Texas in March 2014. Becky’s Hope is an all-volunteer organization entirely funded by tax-deductible donations and every donation is spent exclusively for the care and maintenance of the animals. We are entirely committed to our goal of giving the animals we love the life they deserve.
Please take a moment to love on those in your life that fill your soul with love and happiness. Speak out for those in need. BE THE CHANGE! Becky lives through all of us.
Order “Peace, Love & Donkeys” t-shirt
Show off your love of Donkeys and Becky’s Hope Horse Rescue by sporting this cute Donk on your shirt. The Donkey on this shirt is Charlie Brown from Becky’s Hope! All proceeds from this item is donated to Becky’s Hope Horse Rescue. Click to order the tshirt >